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Behind the Canvas - Kayla Lou Designs


Hi! I'm Kayla Davis and I live in Richmond, VA


How did you learn to needlepoint? What was your first needlepoint project?
I’m a relatively new stitcher and taught myself in 2020 when I really needed a creative outlet. My first project was a little printed pouch with a cat who looks like my kitty, Salem (not actually named after the Sabrina the Teenage Witch cat; although I loved that show, he’s named for the city of my undergrad alma mater, Wake Forest, which is in Winston-Salem, NC).

What is your favorite stitch? What stitch are you hoping to learn/do next?
I love being able to turn my brain off and work on a big block of basketweave, but for a decorative stitch, I’m into criss-cross Hungarian at the moment. I’ve never tried turkey work, but I have a couple canvases that would be so cute with a fluffy accent!

What are your favorite threads to use?
I have so much fun trying out new fibers, but I always go back to Silk and Ivory for 13 and Vineyard Silk or DMC pearl cotton on 18.


What made you want to paint your own pieces?
My dad is an amazing painter, and my mom is incredible at needlework, so I see painting needlepoint canvases as a combination of their talents. After my first needlepoint project, I had a lot of ideas for designs, and I had no shortage of art supplies, so I just went for it!

Describe your canvases in three words: Colorful, whimsical, fun!

What inspires you most when creating new designs?
I started out designing for myself, and I think I still go about it the same way. It always amazes and humbles me when designs that I created from my experiences resonate with other people. My design ideas come from things that are notable to me, and most often that reflects my love of nature and my southern roots.

What has been your favorite canvas to paint?
I’m really proud of the Snow Deer canvas. It was a tricky one to get right design-wise because I had a specific image in mind, but when I finished painting it, I was so happy with the final version. My dad also likes that one a lot!

What has been your favorite canvas to stitch?
The She Sells Seashells clutch was one of my favorites, so much so that I’m doing both colorways! I think that one is my favorite one I’ve designed so far.

What is one piece of advice for painting your own canvas?
Spend a few minutes before painting lightly outlining your design on the canvas with pencil. Time spent at this step helps avoid mistakes later… Naturally, I learned this the hard way!


Where is your favorite place to stitch?
Anywhere outside and preferably with a refreshing cocktail ;)

If you're not needlepointing you're…
If I’m not working (as a postdoctoral researcher studying bird population dynamics), I’m probably running!

What three items do you always have in your project bag?
Extra needles, sharp scissors, and probably too many projects!

What shows are you currently watching?
The Bear, House of the Dragon, and the Olympic trials/Olympics

What is your favorite podcast?
I’m actually more of an audiobook girl at the moment instead of podcasts. I’m a big fan of sci-fi and fantasy genres!

Who is your favorite needlepoint or non-needlepoint follow on Instagram right now?
Needlepoint is Penny Linn, of course! And non-needlepoint is my favorite Peloton instructor, Becs Gentry. She’s so cool, and I just want to be friends!

If time and money were no issue, what type of needlepoint project would you want to do?
I would love to stitch a Christmas tree skirt; what an amazing heirloom that would be!



Where can people find your designs? (website, LNS)

Penny Linn Designs and your LNS

Where can people follow you on social?

@kaylaloudesigns - I’m not super active, but I share my own designs and projects I’m currently stitching!